Terms of Service

1. Terms of Service and Disclaimer

Please read the following terms of service and disclaimer carefully before signing. TitleDocsOnline.com, hereinafter referred to as "The Company" may revise these Terms of Service and Disclaimer at any time. All services provided by "The Company" are subject to the following terms of service and other applicable law.

2. General

I understand that "The Company" is not a law firm or a lawyer and does not provide legal advice. I agree that "The Company" has not provided legal advice, opinions, or recommendations about my legal rights. If, prior to my purchase, I believe that "The Company" gave me any legal advice, opinion or recommendation about my legal rights, I will not proceed with the purchase, and any purchase that I do make will be null and void. I also understand that the information provided by "The Company" is only intended to provide general information regarding the document typing services. It is not a statement of the law or legal advice. I also understand that "The Company" does not guarantee the legal accuracy of the information it provides and does not accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience suffered by users as a result of any inadvertent inaccuracies or otherwise; as well as the information as it relates to the title of any real estate. I also understand that I should seek legal advice if there is something in the information or the services provided by "The Company" that I do not understand. I also understand that "The Company “exists solely within the County of Orange, State of California, United States of America. I agree that regardless of where I reside or where my browser is physically located, my viewing and use of The Company's" website occurs solely within the County of Orange, State of California, United States of America and that all content and services shall be deemed to be served from, and performed wholly within, County of Orange, State of California, United States of America, as if I had physically traveled there to obtain the service. I agree that California law shall govern any disputes arising from my

use of this website, and that the courts of the City of Anaheim, the County of Orange, State of California, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.

I also understand that "The Company" is a document typing service intended to assist real estate owners, real estate agents and mortgage lenders in the typing, notarization and/or recordation of said documents with various County Recorder’s office. I agree that "The Company" has made no warranties or guarantees or expressed an opinion about the effect on outcome of said document, whether it effect on the record or marketability of title or any tax consequences it may create. I also understand that, unless otherwise agreed, the forms typed by "The Company" will be for done at my request and direction, they have simply typed what I have approved and directed them to do; and for their services I am paying them, instead of typing the document myself. I also understand that, unless otherwise agreed, I am responsible for recording and/or filing my documents in court, or with the appropriate County Recorder, paying the applicable court or recorder fees and any notary fees and process server fees as may be necessary in order to file or record my documents with the courthouse or recorder. I may elect to pay "The Company" to file or record a document on my behalf and agree to pay them a processing fee for such filing/recording. I agree to hold them (their agents, employees, successors and assigns) harmless for either the typing of said document or filing/recording it.

3. Accuracy Review

I understand that "The Company's" review of my answers is limited to completeness, spelling and grammar, as well as internal consistency of names, addresses, legal descriptions and similar information. I also understand that "The Company's" review of my answers does not include legal advice or opinions or recommendations about my legal rights or obligations. I agree to read the final document(s) before signing them and agree to be solely responsible for the final document(s). I will hold "The Company" and its agents harmless. If there is liability found on the part of "The Company" The paid for services, and under no circumstances will there be special damages.

4. Document Preparation

I understand that the website and associated software used to prepare the documents such as the online questionnaires and document automation system has been developed by an outside vendor of “The Company". I also understand that during the course of typing my documents there is no

relationship created with a lawyer and that no legal advice has been sought or is given. I also understand that my documents will be typed solely in accordance with my answers to the online questionnaires, email questionnaires, face to face meeting, or telephonic meeting subject to "The Company's" accuracy review.

5. Refunds

I understand that upon my request "The Company" will provide a full refund for any service that "The Company" has not yet started subject to the conditions set out below: I agree that fees for services are not refundable after "The Company" has paid those fees to a third party, such as a process server, a translator, Vital Statistics, notary public or the county or court. I also agree that "The Company" is under no obligation to provide a refund after they start preparing my documents, unless the documents are not accepted by the county. I also agree that to request a refund I must reply to my order tracking email sent to me by "The Company", or send an email to customerservice@titledocsonline.com from the email address on account with "The Company". I also understand and agree that to obtain a refund, I must comply with these Terms of Service.

6. Document Delivery

I understand that "The Company" will notify me of my order status by email and that it is my responsibility to ensure that I can receive email from customerservice@titledocsonline.com I also understand, that it is my responsibility to ensure that I have the appropriate software such as the free Adobe Reader and a printer in order to view and print my documents.

7. Questionnaires

I understand that from time to time "The Company" may update the online questionnaires and as such the subscription to the previous online questionnaire may expire one year from the date of purchase. I also understand that the questionnaire application is a web based application that is compatible with popular web browsers and modern operating systems. It is my responsibility to ensure that I am using a web browser and an operating system that is up to date and compatible with the questionnaire application.

8. County Recorder Filing Service

I understand that, unless otherwise agreed, the county recorder filing service provided by "The Company" is limited to filing most standard real estate documents either purchased from "The Company" or documents that I have provided to them myself. I also understand that the county recorder filing service is limited to the when the county will accept and record such documents. I agree that "The Company" is under no obligation to record my documents additional times if the documents are not accepted due to any situation or event beyond the control or responsibility of "The Company". I understand that this means "The Company" will record my documents at no additional charge if the documents are not accepted due to the fault of "The Company". I also understand and authorize "The Company" its agents, employees and representatives to revise, add to or delete information on my documents in order that the information on those documents is consistent with the acceptability of the County Recorder’s guidelines for recordation. I also understand that the record filing service does not include the actual recorder charges that are required by the county in order to accept and record my documents/forms. I understand that "The Company" does charge county recording fees up front, these charges are merely an estimate of what the County will charge. In the event the charge is extra I agree that I am responsible for paying the extra or additional fees as soon as I am presented with a modified, corrected or final invoice from "The Company" for recordation. I also understand that "The Company" is not responsible for any difference in the county fee it collects or advises me of and the actual county fee required by the county should there be one.

9. Privacy

Absent the use of encryption, the Internet is not a secured medium and privacy cannot be ensured. Internet e-mail is vulnerable to interception and forging. "The Company" will not be responsible for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of the transmission of confidential information that you make through e-mail or third-party links provided on this web site. "The Company" is not responsible for any errors or any changes made to any transmitted information. Should you decide to transmit information using e-mail or third-party links, you do so at your own risk.


Links to Other Sites the Company's web site may contain links to other sites as well as e-mail links. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you. These other web sites were independently developed by parties other than "The Company" assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information contained in such sites. The inclusion of any link to another web site does not imply endorsement by "The Company"

Any mention of another party or its product or service on this web site should not be construed as an endorsement of that party or its product or service. If you decide to access linked third-party web sites, you do so at your own risk.

Agreement: *Clicking Submit, paying the required fees constitutes a legal signature confirming acknowledgment and agreement to the above Terms of Service and Acceptance. This agreement between "The Company" and the “Undersigned” (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) is for the Company to act as Agent in requesting the recording of documents or other services requested by Client.

Acknowledgment. Client acknowledges and agrees as follows: (a) that the Company has no duty or obligation in any way to review or examine the Documents or title to the respective property; (b) that the Company derives no direct or indirect benefit from the recording of the Documents beside agreed processing service fees; (c) that the Company accepts no liability or responsibility as to the condition of the title of the property or as to the physical condition of the dwelling/lot, nor does The Company warrant the validity, sufficiency, or effect of such documents requesting to be filed; (d) the Company does not guarantee turnaround times and will request services at the appropriate County Agency as soon as practicable unless expressly agreed upon by the Company and Client; (e) Client jointly and severally waive and release the Company from any and all claims arising out of the Document and agree to hold harmless, protect and indemnify the Company from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, expenses, and charges including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and expenses of litigation, which may be sustained or incurred by the Company in any way relating to, or arising directly or indirectly out of any document filed on behalf and requested by Client, including any claim, action, proceeding, judgment, order or process, arising from or based upon or growing out of the Client's active or passive negligence in connection with the documents. Payment. The Company accepts one form of payment (Credit Card) for processing services and County Agency fees associated with services requested and performed for the Client. The Company must receive payment in full, before services can be rendered. The Company reserves the right to collect document transfer tax in advance. Payment for any remaining balance due is due upon notice and is subject to late fees after 48 hours.

Service Fees. The Company will charge fees for services requested by Client. Client agrees to pay for requested services if the Company dutifully submits documents for recording and the county agency rejects the documents and the recording is unsuccessful. Services requested by Client will be charged if cancellation request is received after services have been performed.

Attorney's Fees. Client agrees that if a lawsuit shall be brought to enforce this Agreement, Client will reimburse the Company all of its attorney's fees.